Thursday, November 21, 2024

Tech News, analysis, updates, comments, reviews


Category: Featured

Unveiling the Future: AI Breakthroughs...

Welcome to the era where science fiction...

 Navigating the Ethical Landscape of...

Introduction Welcome to a critical exploration of the...

Unveiling the Future: AI Breakthroughs and Their Impact

Welcome to the era where science fiction meets reality – the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI). In this exploration, we embark on a journey through recent AI breakthroughs, uncovering the marvels of advanced image recognition and natural language understanding. Brace yourselves as we unravel the practical applications of these technological leaps across various industries, offering you a glimpse into the transformative power reshaping our world. The Foundation of AI Breakthroughs Understanding Advanced Image Recognition AI's prowess in image recognition has reached unprecedented heights. Recent breakthroughs have enabled machines to not only identify...

Jobs of the...

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to automate certain tasks and make certain jobs obsolete. However, it is also expected to create new job opportunities and enhance the productivity of existing jobs. The extent to which AI will cause job loss is a subject of ongoing debate, with some experts predicting significant disruption to the labor market, while others believe the impact will be more limited.

Patch Notes: Why...

Recently, if you stroll the spaces that talk about cybersecurity, you might have notes a theme that said that there is a Cybersecurity gap...

Phishing: YouTube Series...

Phishing tends to be more pervasive through emails and text messages. Phishing exploits the human trust, that is why it is very eficient.

The Facebook porn...

If you are one of the many Facebook users who got tagged by someone you don't know in a porn post, don't click or...

The Cybersecurity Culture

There's an ever present theme in my discussion about cybersecurity; Cybersecurity should be a culture. You see, when most people talk or hear about Cybersecurity,...

My first Linux...

Back in 2014, I was in my first yeat at University. My course, as most of the readers here already know, was Computer Security...

The state of...

The regulatory authority responsible for ICT, and specifically CyberSec in Kenya is the Communication Authority (CA) of Kenya. It was founded in 1999. It's...

Security and AI...

AI in 2021 In 2021, AI technologies that were only recently considered cutting edge (e.g., AI that generates realistic but totally fabricated images and text)...

Sony is buying...

January was a full-out sprint for video game industry mergers, with major players jostling for a shot to have the best console money can’t...

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