Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Tech News, analysis, updates, comments, reviews


Tag: privacy

A Rant: Stripping Privacy in This Era

The world has a privacy problem. Everything connected to the Internet (which is almost everything today), is for the taking. Looking around an average person's daily routine, it exposes the enlarging attack surface with each device we purchase, each application we install, each connection we add. Today, privacy is a quaint notion from a bygone era. Our lives have become intertwined with technology in ways we could never had imagined. And this, like illustrated in the paragraph above, comes with a constant erosion of our privacy. Each minute that the...

A Rant: Stripping...

The world has a privacy problem. Everything connected to the Internet (which is almost everything today), is for the taking. Looking around an average...

A Comprehensive Guide...

Learn how you can help to protect your website and the sensitive information of your customers. By following these steps and tips, you can help to protect your website and the sensitive information of your customers. Remember to stay vigilant and always be on the lookout for new threats and vulnerabilities.

Australia: Unprecedented surveillance...

Australian police can now hack your device, collect or delete your data, take over your social media accounts - all without a judge's warrant. The Australian government has been moving towards a surveillance state for some years already. Now they are putting the nail in the coffin with an unprecedented surveillance bill that allows the [...]

How Kenya’s new...

The risk of infringing on privacy is growing by the day given the increased frequency and granularity of the data being collected, and advances in the technology for processing them. This has, inevitably, led to the need for laws to secure personal data privacy. Researchers and research data are not exempt: advances in big data [...]

WhatsApp extends deadline...

WhatsApp on Friday announced that it will be extending the deadline of its confusing policy implementation by three months. The widely criticised policy required...

Why people are...

Facebook’s mobile app theoretically could listen in on you, at least while you have it open. It even has a public feature that will try to recognize any audio in the background, like music or TV—but only while you’re entering a status update, and only if you’ve opted in

Leave a minimal...

Your digital footprint paints a picture of who you are. Every day, whether we want to or not, most of us contribute to a growing...

Court Explains About...

The Judiciary came out to disprove a news report by Standard carried on the daily's Sunday edition that claimed that in a ruling by the Court of Appeal, the government had been given the go-ahead to tap and listen to private calls

How to Cover...

Venture online nowadays and your presence is immediately logged and tracked in all manner of ways. Sometimes this can be helpful—like when you want to see new movies similar to ones you've watched in the past—but [...]

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