Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Tech News, analysis, updates, comments, reviews


Tag: passwords

Survey: IT leaders expect resistance to passwordless security

Nowadays, facial recognition can open your iPhone and the right fingerprint will log you into your work laptop. As our everyday devices gain non-password authenticators, however, a study from Ping Identity and Yubico finds IT leaders predict resistance to the biometric option in their organizations: While 84% of global IT leaders consider passwords “a deceptively weak way to store your data,” 97% of respondents currently without passwordless authentication predict barriers in implementing the technology, citing a lack of urgency, technical expertise, and buy-in. “Many of these roadblocks are not technological, but...

Survey: IT leaders...

Nowadays, facial recognition can open your iPhone and the right fingerprint will log you into your work laptop. As our everyday devices gain non-password authenticators,...

Password managers: why...

Passwords are the gate to all our online accounts, our computers, our mobile phones, our protected documents, our smart doors; almost everything that requires...

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