Monday, September 16, 2024

Tech News, analysis, updates, comments, reviews


I'm a tech enthusiast, covering almost every aspect of the industry. I'm a Security Professional, author, software developer and also an open source evangelist. I'm the founder at BlanCorp and chief editor here at The B-Blog. Holla at me on my social platforms.

written articles

Why Cybersecurity Awareness in Corporate Spaces Matters and How to Achieve it

In today's digital age, the importance of cybersecurity can hardly be overstated. With the increasing reliance on technology and the internet, companies are more...

How to secure your home network and protect your internet-connected devices

With the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT), an increasing number of devices are connecting to home networks, leaving them vulnerable to cyber...

The Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA): What Organizations Need to Know

In the second post of our series on cyber legislation and regulations, we will discuss the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA) and its impact...

Data privacy concerns will be amplified by the metaverse

Growing public awareness of data privacy issues has pressured countries to introduce more stringent privacy laws. However, in the future, emerging technologies such as...

How GDPR Affects Your Organization and What to Do About It

The article explains that organizations that process personal data of EU citizens, regardless of where the organization is located, must comply with the GDPR and must obtain explicit consent, inform individuals of their rights

A Comprehensive Guide to Securing Your Website

Learn how you can help to protect your website and the sensitive information of your customers. By following these steps and tips, you can help to protect your website and the sensitive information of your customers. Remember to stay vigilant and always be on the lookout for new threats and vulnerabilities.

How to Keep Your Personal Information Safe from Hackers

Protect your personal information and data online and learn the importance of being vigilant to protect personal information from cyber threats

Protecting Your Business from Cyber Attacks: A Look at the Most Common Types and Industries at Risk Cyber attacks have become a major concern for businesses and organizations of all sizes. With the increasing reliance on technology and the internet, the...

Jobs of the Future? How AI is Changing the Way We Work

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to automate certain tasks and make certain jobs obsolete. However, it is also expected to create new job opportunities and enhance the productivity of existing jobs. The extent to which AI will cause job loss is a subject of ongoing debate, with some experts predicting significant disruption to the labor market, while others believe the impact will be more limited.

Why Cybersecurity Matters: The Risks of Neglecting Online Protection

Discover the potential consequences of ignoring cybersecurity, including identity theft, financial loss, damage to reputation, data breaches, and disruption to business operations. Learn how to protect yourself, your organization, and society by prioritizing online protection and staying informed about cybersecurity threats.

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